About the Center for Comparative Genomics

The WA Centre of Excellence in Comparative Genomics (CCG) represents a unique approach to research in Comparative Genomics. It draws together both biomedical and agricultural comparative genomics and bioinformatics activities and expertise in such a way as to promote shared understanding within and across fields of study. It provides excellent opportunities to share Western Australian resources and leverage further income for the State.

The centrepiece of the Centre is the Research and Development Program. The Centre Research Program comprises a number of projects organised within three Research Themes:
  1. Comparative genomics for wheat and legumes;
  2. Comparative genomics for animal and human pathogens; and
  3. Comparative genomics as a tool to enhance human gene analysis and diagnostics.

A key initiative to support the Centre’s research program is the establishment of the Bioinformatics Research Laboratory (BRL). The BRL represents unique scientific infrastructure for Western Australian that develops and utilises innovative techniques and tools to drive its core research program as well as serve external clients on a fee-for-service basis. The BRL offers a range of capabilities, including: the development of computational tools; a vast range of data analysis and visualisation strategies; and, the development of integrated web-based applications.